Join Terry Wolfisch Cole for an evening devoted to discovering the power of your story. We’ll begin by learning about Terry’s journey to the stage and the joy that one impulsive encounter brought to her life, then learn some tips for effective and engaging personal storytelling. The evening will conclude with an invitation to step up to share your story, or simply to sit back and listen to others’.
Terry Wolfisch Cole is the founder of Tell Me Another, a Hartford-based storytelling show. She teaches people to find and craft the tales of their unique experiences and provides an outlet for them to tell their stories. Her award-winning story “The Runaway” has been featured on the Moth Radio Hour and in the pages of Readers Digest.
All are welcome!
Best in happiness and love,
Terry Wolfisch Cole Contact Information
Tell Me Another
P.O. Box 23
West Simsbury, CT 06092
Facebook: Tell Me Another: Extraordinary Lives, Extraordinary Stories
Phone: 860-558-2587
Hartford Happiness Club
Click on the link below to join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 878 1440 1383
Password: 086133
Please join me in welcoming
R.S.V.P. Appreciated but optional.
7-8:30 PM