Tumble Brook Country Club, 367 Simsbury Road, Bloomfield, CT 06002   (860) 242-4600

July 11, 2024 from 7:00-8:30 pm


Join me in welcoming Suzanne Pruss

Happiness IS a Choice – Even During ‘Tough’ Times.

It’s All About Beliefs!


Since 1983, the Option Institute® (Co-founded by Barry Neil Kaufman and Samahria Lyte Kaufman) has taught people unique and practical tools to build the life experience they desire.

It begins with a radical departure from everything we’ve been taught. Many of us have heard of the popular psychological model of stimulus-response. The dog barks, I get scared. My friend compliments me, I feel happy. This model has helped spawn a culture where we see our emotions and experiences as being caused by people and events around us. As a result, we often try to change our circumstances and the people around us so that we can feel good or, at least, not feel bad.

The Option Institute modifies the stimulus-response paradigm with a simple twist. We introduce a third component: BELIEF. Every stimulus that elicits a response from us is first filtered and processed by oneor more beliefs. As our beliefs change, so do our responses and experiences. This simple shift changes everything in our lives, moving us from the passenger’s seat into the driver’s seat. We call this new paradigm the Happiness GPS® because it helps you identify where you are and allows you to navigate to where you want to go (in terms of your own happiness and emotional well-being).

The good news is our beliefs are changeable. Our experience with thousands of people from across the globe has shown us that, when people use the tools that we provide, known collectively as The Option Process, they are able to uncover the beliefs fueling their responses and the underlying reasons for their beliefs. Moreover, they can change the beliefs that may be generating unhappiness, dysfunctional relationships, or ineffective behaviors.

Join Suzanne as she gives you your Happiness GPS.


Suzanne Pruss is a Senior Option Process Mentor, Teacher, Trainer, & Program Developer at the Option Institute® International Learning & Training Center.

Suzanne has been practicing ‘Happiness’ and the Option Process since 1992.


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We are meeting in person!

Please note the change in venue to:
Tumble Brook Country Club
367 Simsbury Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002

I am happy to announce that Tumble Brook Country Club will provide a signature Happiness Club dinner menu for purchase.
Anyone interested should RSVP one week prior to Audrey Carlson at:

If you are paying by check, please make check payable to: Future Now

Or join us on Zoom:

Click for Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 7439 0958
Password: Happy

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All are welcome!
Best in happiness and love,

Hartford Happiness Club
R.S.V.P. Appreciated but optional.
7:00 – 8:30 pm