“They say age considers, youth ventures, yet just because we grow up, we should not stop dreaming. In reality, we have just forgotten where we put our dreams: in our son’s baseball bag, our daughter’s swim locker, behind our mother’s chair, or in our file cabinet under ’tomorrow’/ ‘someday’. Take a leap of faith, pull up anchors and pack your bags.”
Paris is always a good idea.
Awaken your traveling bug and your own desire to fulfill a dream. It’s never too late to awaken your adventurous nature, tap into your ‘joie de vivre’ and follow your heart. Make yourself happy .
Diane Dickson (d. l. dickson) was not entitled – not a spendthrift- not an extrovert BUT a lover of Paris since childhood – she watched an American in Paris, Gigi, Funny Face, Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn’s of course) on Million Dollar Movies on T.V. after school…
d.l. dickson loves: Paris – writing – traveling…All a big stretch for a girl brought up in suburbia in the 1950’s. Dreams, hard work, and chance made it possible – With jobs along the way:
* Bottle and golf ball collector and seller, Babysitter, locker room attendant, soda jerk, kitchen worker, librarian, teleprompter, Sears Roebuck security monitor –
*until she earned BA & Ma degrees in French and English
*Then worked as a writer for commercials and videos – a newspaper writer, a high school and college teacher. She raised her children and woke up well before dawn to write.
Reading, interviewing, and traveling became her passion.
Her love for Paris and France has led her to take her children and students to France to share her love of its history and culture.
Step out on your own. Come to Paris. Practical, Insightful, humorous, inspirational – Dear Wallace: Meanderings of a Single Solo Traveler. Paris. It’s always a good idea.
*Dear Wallace: Meanderings of a Senior Solo Traveler is a telling of a month-long trip in Paris at an age when many choose cruises, bridge clubs, or lunches to spend after work life.
The story tells of the flavor of Paris, the memories of how it was in yesteryear and the newness of today. Funny, memorable, and insightful it is a how-to for living life, taking hold of opportunities, and following one’s dream.
** copies of books are available for purchase & signing.
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Please note the change in venue to:
Tumble Brook Country Club
367 Simsbury Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002
I am happy to announce that Tumble Brook Country Club will provide a signature Happiness Club dinner menu for purchase.
Anyone interested should RSVP one week prior to Audrey Carlson at:
If you are paying by check, please make check payable to: Future Now
Click for Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 7439 0958
Password: Happy
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All are welcome!
Best in happiness and love,
Hartford Happiness Club
R.S.V.P. Appreciated but optional.
7:00 – 8:30 pm