Tumble Brook Country Club, 367 Simsbury Road, Bloomfield, CT 06002   (860) 242-4600

August 1, 2023 from 7:00-8:30 pm


Joyce Saltman

Dr. Joyce Saltman, Ed.D.

Given the title “Guru Of Laughter” by one of America’s foremost Insurance Companies

Join me in welcoming Dr. Joyce Saltman on

The Joys of Being Chronologically Endowed

First, the good news – according to a study done at the Univ of Chicago, which was the most thorough study of happiness which began in 1972, Americans are happier as they grow older. This was followed up in 2008 in an extensive telephone survey of 340,000 ages 18-85, confirming those results. The data, published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, revealed that feelings of stress and inadequacy increase from 18-50, after which, feelings of well-being steadily improve, showing those in their 80s are far happier! In addition, studies show that body temp declines as we age, so the elderly are actually “the coolest people on earth!”


Dr. Joyce Saltman is a Professor Emeritus of Special Education at Southern Connecticut State University where she taught graduate courses on Special Education since 1975, and “The Enhancement of Learning through Humor,” as well as directing a summer Institute on Healing, Education, Laughter and Play (H.E.L.P.) for 29 summers. She lectures all over the country plus Japan, Norway, Australia, England, Italy and Belgium, on “Laughter, Rx for Survival,” “Dealing with Difficult People,” “Sex and Aging,” and “Learning Styles.”

She has shared her insights into ‘Laughter’ with hospitals, corporations, school systems, and other organizations throughout the world. She has spoken extensively on such topics as “Learning Styles for At-Risk Students” and “Counseling Skills for Special Educators” throughout the country, most notably for the US Department of Education in Washington, DC. In addition, she has had 2 books published – Sing A Celebration, published by Ivory Tower Press and I’m Changing the Locks and Cementing the Windows – What To Do When Your Kid Leaves Home, published by Kiwi Press. She has contributed chapters for several anthologies, including Chocolates for a Mother’s Heart, edited by Kay Allenbaugh, and most recently, Fast Funny Women, (2021)edited by Gina Barreca.

Of her greatest accomplishments, she lists 2 amazing children, grandchildren, grand-dogs, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH) as well as the Outstanding Faculty Award from the Academy of Continuing Education at the Mandel Center.


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We are meeting in person!

Please note the change in venue to:
Tumble Brook Country Club
367 Simsbury Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002

I am happy to announce that Tumble Brook Country Club will provide a signature Happiness Club dinner menu for purchase.
Anyone interested should RSVP one week prior to Audrey Carlson at:

If you are paying by check, please make check payable to: Future Now

Or join us on Zoom:

Click for Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 7439 0958
Password: Happy

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All are welcome!
Best in happiness and love,

Hartford Happiness Club
R.S.V.P. Appreciated but optional.
7:00 – 8:30 pm