We Don’t Die
“No Endings Only Beginnings”
No coincidences…
Graduations and commencements
Dr. Bernie Siegel is a writer and retired pediatric and general surgeon who writes and teaches about mind-body medicine and the relationship between the patient and the healing process. He is internationally known for his best-selling book, “Love, Medicine and Miracles”. In 1978 he founded Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy utilizing patient’s drawings, dreams, images and feelings. ECaP helped to facilitate personal lifestyle changes and personal empowerment of the individual’s life. He has been a global pioneer in improving and humanizing medical education and medical care.
Bernie’s book will be available, when released in May. Please bring any other of his books to be signed at the end of his presentation. Please come and give a warm Hartford welcome to CT’s own Bernie Siegel MD.
Please join me in welcoming my dear friend,
mentor and everyone’s CD (Chosen Dad) Bernie Siegel.
Please note the change in venue to:
Tumble Brook Country Club
367 Simsbury Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Masks must be worn indoors following protocol at Tumble Brook.
I am happy to announce that Tumble Brook Country Club will provide a signature Happiness Club dinner menu for purchase.
Anyone interested should RSVP one week prior to Darryl Janisse at:
Click for Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 1440 1383
Password: 086133
All are welcome!
Best in happiness and love,
Hartford Happiness Club
R.S.V.P. Appreciated but optional.
7:00 – 8:30 pm