We are way beyond a sprint or even a marathon these days. Enter a pilgrimage. So now is a good time to explore Hardiness, a component of resilience specifically related to how we live with meaning, purpose, focus and fulfillment in a world and life filled with uncertainty. Within Hardiness are the 3 C’s of challenge, control and commitment.
You’ll have the opportunity to engage in a mini hardiness self-assessment (privately) and then meet in small group breakouts to explore an exercise that will help you align your priorities with your values – taking a small step forward with greater challenge, control and commitment. Individuals with the highest hardiness scores also have strong and trusting interpersonal relationships. Come join us and give yourself a gift of engagement, self-awareness, focus and support.
Deene Morris is the founder of Inspire Leadership LLC. Her practice is devoted to facilitating emotionally competent leaders, teams and educators, and she is skilled in facilitating the growth of inclusive and innovative cultures. Her certifications include the EQ-i 2.0, the Hardiness Resilience Gauge and the 4 Stages of Psychological Safety – all providing rich insight and the opportunity for rewarding growth.
Her clients regularly report breakthroughs in innovation, collaboration and problem solving – moving from resistance to resiliency and conflict to creative solutions. She clients include non-profits, education, health care, manufacturing, entrepreneurs and board of directors. Deene also serves as Adjunct Faculty with the Masters of Organizational Psychology online degree at the University of Hartford.
Visit her website for ideas and solutions.
Join her e-blog for insight and inspiration here.
Follow her on LinkedIn
Click on the link below to join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 878 1440 1383
Password: 086133
Please join me in welcoming Kevin S. Garrity!
All are welcome!
Best in happiness and love,
Hartford Happiness Club
R.S.V.P. Appreciated but optional.
7:00 – 8:30 pm