The Hartford Happiness Club exists so that our members will be able to embody happiness. You already possess all the tools needed to let Happiness into your life, permanently. Think about how much of your day is spent reacting to negative thoughts, negative people, situations where we are clearly not in charge. When you look inside your own mind, is there any room for YOU in there?
Every human being on this planet gets through their lives one day at a time. Life on this planet is a linear experience for most of us. Every day that we are in this material world, we wake up to a new day. If you wake up in a good mood and wonder why that feeling disappeared by noon, who is to blame?
The quality of each day is governed by the choices we make. Daily life as an adult in America allows for very little physical relaxation time, and thanks to the nuisance of our electronic toys, our minds get constant stimulation as well. News headlines bark horrific, intrusive and tragic scenarios 24/7. Today’s tragedy tops yesterday’s, more senseless violence, now two or three worst case scenarios every day on all channels and monitors. To get through your day, you may self-medicate to take the edge off the anxiety. Do you feel helpless – or do you feel empowered?
Do you breathe deeply and slowly at regular intervals throughout the day? When you quietly reflect on your energy, your internal environment, what is awaiting you there? You can practice removing your attention from the outside world, unplug from the media, and breathe. Focus on filling yourself with Love and Gratitude. Expand your Love, be grateful for your existence, and acknowledge your love for your Self. Contemplate a Life filled with Love, and grow that.
What choices are you going to make today? Try choosing Love. Think less about what you do not want in your life, and Love what you do have in your life. Choose to react to life from a Loving way, and you will no longer feel like a victim. Be patient with yourself, and choose to have kind and loving thoughts when you engage in self-talk. Engage in patience and loving thoughts to nurture your own soul.
To quote our founder Lionel Ketchian: “If you’re going to let things control you that are out of your control, you’ll never be happy.”
Being happy is a state of mind and a choice one has to make from this moment to the next. Anything worth cultivating in your life is going to take practice and must be exercised daily. Choose to hold on to light and loving thoughts, and it will be easier to achieve internal equilibrium.